thewindowparis.com - laboratoire d'expérimentations artistiques en milieu urbain

three-stripe - Laboratoire et performance

20, 21, 22 septembre 2024 à The Window

1 Rue Gustave Goublier - 75010 Paris

Libérons les trois bandes de la domination sémantique et esthétique imposée par la célèbre marque de vêtements et d'accessoires de sport. 

Les trois bandes appartiennent à tous !

Daniele Marranca et Irénée Blin vous invitent à participer à l'atelier gratuit "Three-stripe", avec performance finale, dans le cadre du projet de fin de résidence d'été 2024 à The Window, partie de l'initiative « tranche de vie #2 » initiée par Catherine Baÿ.

Atelier : 20 et 21 septembre 2024, de 10h00 à 17h00 à The Window
Performance : dimanche 22 septembre 2024, à partir de 16h00 - Paris 10ème arrondissement

Inscriptions :

Voir les bandes en tant que telles

Phases de travail

Les journées seront accompagnées d’un travail corporel visant à préparer le corps, à s’accorder dans un travail collaboratif et à se projeter dans une perception des tensions corporelles et spatiales pour mieux voir, ressentir et explorer.

Phone conversation with my mother - June 16, 2024


00:00:04 Madre

Mi stavo coricando, mi hai pescata proprio precisa precisa.

00:00:11 Daniele

Senti, volevo chiederti solo una cosa:

Siccome sto lavorando alle strisce, lo sai, a The Window...

quando ero piccolo avevo degli abiti, delle magliette o dei pantaloncini con queste tre strisce.

00:00:35 Madre

Pantaloncini no, forse una tutina.

00:00:40 Daniele

Magliette non ne avevo?

Una maglietta bianca e nera o sul verde,

o ricordo male ?

00:00:47 Madre

No mamma (*), no.

No, non me la ricordo completamente.


00:00:55 Daniele

Ho capito.

00:00:56 Madre

Mi dispiace.

00:00:58 Padre

Ciao Danié!

00:01:00 Daniele


00:01:01 Padre

Chi pirdisti? (**)

00:01:02 Madre

Sei a Parigi o a casa?

00:01:04 Daniele

A casa.

00:01:04 Madre

Ah, ok.

Se mi dovessi ricordare te lo comunico ma non me lo ricordo, mamma (*), quindi...

00:01:14 Daniele

Quindi non ti ricordi se avevo delle magliette, pantaloncini, tute?

00:01:19 Madre

Magliette, pantaloncini no, avevi un paio di pantaloncini di mare celestini con queste strisce ma non quando eri piccolo, quando eri grande, cioè giovanottino, però non so che fine abbiano fatto.

00:01:35 Daniele

Ma erano con le tre strisce?

00:01:42 Madre

Penso di sì.

Se hanno le strisce, le devono averne tre, non è che ne hanno due, probabilmente...

00:01:50 Daniele

Ce l'avevo recentemente?

00:01:54 Madre

Non recentemente, quando eri qua, ragazzo.

Ma non so dirti neanche quando, perché io ho una pallida idea di questi pantaloncini, che sicuramente non erano di tuo padre e quindi saranno stati tuoi.

Però non mi ricordo se eri qua, se eri a Palermo... non me lo ricordo, mamma (*).

Mi ricordo questi pantaloncini, ma non mi ricordo altro.

00:02:27 Daniele

Va bene.

00:02:27 Madre


00:02:27 Daniele

Va bene.

00:02:27 Madre

Va bene.

Bacioni allora.

00:02:27 Padre

Ciao !

00:02:28 Daniele

Ciao ciao ciao !

English translation

00:00:04 Mother

I was about to go to bed, you caught me right on time.

00:00:11 Daniele

Listen, I just wanted to ask you one thing: Since I'm working on the stripes, you know, at The Window... 

when I was little I had some clothes, shirts or shorts with those three stripes.

00:00:35 Mother

Not shorts, maybe a little tracksuit.

00:00:40 Daniele

Didn't I have shirts? A black and white or green shirt, or am I remembering wrong?

00:00:47 Mother

No dear (*), no. 

No, I don't remember that at all.


00:00:55 Daniele 

Got it.

00:00:56 Mother

I'm sorry.

00:00:58 Father

Hi Danié!

00:01:00 Daniele


00:01:01 Father

Who did you lose? (*)

00:01:02 Mother

Are you in Paris or at home?

00:01:04 Daniele

At home.

00:01:04 Mother

Ah, ok. 

If I remember, I'll let you know but I don't remember, dear (*), so...

00:01:14 Daniele

So you don't remember if I had shirts, shorts, tracksuits?

00:01:19 Mother

Shirts, shorts no, you had a pair of light blue swim shorts with those stripes but not when you were little, when you were older, like a young man, but I don't know what happened to them.

00:01:35 Daniele

But did they have the three stripes?

00:01:42 Mother

I think so. 

If they have stripes, they must have three, they don't have two, probably...

00:01:50 Daniele

Did I have them recently?

00:01:54 Mother

Not recently, when you were here, as a boy.

But I can't even tell you when, because I have a vague idea of these shorts, which were definitely not your father's so they must have been yours.

But I don't remember if you were here, if you were in Palermo... I don't remember, dear (*)

I remember these shorts, but I don't remember anything else.

00:02:27 Daniele


00:02:27 Mother


00:02:27 Daniele


00:02:27 Mother


Lots of love!

00:02:27 Father


00:02:28 Daniele

Bye bye bye!

(*) In Sicilian dialect, it is a common expression of affection for parents to refer to their children using terms that usually refer to themselves. When a mother speaks, she might call her child "a mamma" (the mother), and when a father speaks, he might call his child "u papà" (the father). 

(**) "Chi pirdisti?" is a Sicilian expression that means "what have you lost?" In this case, my father assumes that I called to ask them if "a certain thing" I was looking for was at their house. It was my habit, when I was still living alone and was not married, to call them for this reason.

A couple of years ago, my mother bought and sent me a three-stripe sweatshirt in France. 

It was a gesture of affection because she noticed that I had been interested in the three stripes for a while.

Before seeing them out and about, before seeing them so close up, I hadn't realized how large they were on certain garments. 

I think it's the printed ones, as opposed to the sewn ones, that are oversized.

70 mm = (15 + 12,5 + 15 + 12,5 + 15)mm

10ème arrondissement de paris from gettyimages

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Source : gettyimages.fr